Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter (eggs etc)

So this is my entry... a reference to the first female suicide bomber. And my submission wasn't complete until we actually blew it up. It was an interactive exhibit, so we took it outside and lit the "bombs". Not easy.

This was the end result.

Then we celebrated... we went to a bar and saw the local band. They kindly invited me up on stage to play the tambourine. Dreama and I (Laura's good friend) are part of the Tamborine Ho club. My brother in law took some pictures. I wish he would send them as then you can see the group of us. Whenever I or Dreama took the stage the whole crowd of us (all the family that was over 21 plus a few friends) overtook the dance floor and pretty much took over the bar. The band took our email addresses. We are a fun crowd. Yeah!

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