Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break

Harry and I had been talking about his plans for Spring Break. He was going to spend the week at home just chillin'. This was actually a couple of weeks ago as his school had an early spring break, middle of March actually.

So, Harry calls me at 2pm on Friday the day he was due to come home. I was at work. He calls to tell me when he was coming home,around 6:30pm, and was there any food in the house. Fortunately I had gone grocery shopping and bought the cereal i thought he was eating and milk and orange juice and a roast and i took some things out of the freezer. I said yes we had food.

So that evening Harry gets home and he asks if I went to the grocery store and commented that he saw I had eggs and he could probably live on those. After some questioning I discovered the root cause of all the concern. I did not have food that he could eat right out of the package and he wanted something he did not have to fix. Feeling sorry for the poor kid, I made some spaghetti.

Conclusion: Saturday / Sunday I cooked a roast (for snacking), made a meatloaf (and potatoes) and baked a chicken so that he would have some food for the next week while he was at home. I think that will probably last through Wednesday.

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